Merry X-Mas 2018 & Happy New Year! 2019 > NOTICE

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Merry X-Mas 2018 & Happy New Year! 2019

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name 최고관리자 작성일18-12-12 14:30 hit993 comment0


Dear Customer

Christmas new year 2019 is coming soon.          
Wish you Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
I am on behalf of the DreamjetKorea of all our staff, take this opportunity to say many thanks for your unfailing support in 2018.
Wish you can achieve all of your wishes in new year of 2019, and your family and workplace be always full of happiness and health! 

Best Wishes


- DREAMJET KOREA Office Close -
1. Christmas Holiday : 24th, DEC, 2018 ~ 25th, DEC, 2018
2. New Year Holiday : 31th, DEC, 2018 ~ 1st, JAN, 2019

If have a urgent, Please kindly send the skype message. (Id : dreamjet1) 

Many Thanks.

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Tel (Phone Artist) : +82-2-2107-3628 | FAX : +82-2-857-8629

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